High Performance IJOTECH AGC700N with Management Software


Create User in Server

Create multiple users in one setup on the Server.

Control On/Off in Server

A feature that makes it easy to turn on and off all client computers from the server.

USB Redirection

Flashdisk, Printer, Barcode Scanner etc

Video Movie HD

Support with Video Movies with HD quality

IP Virtualization

Has its own IP address virtually, not the same as the IP Server.

Audio Support

Support for headsets, mics and portable speakers.

Personal Message

Personal chat feature between Server Computer and Client Computer.

Interactive Teacher

There is a broadcast mode feature for sharing the server monitor display to all client monitors, as well as a hands up feature used for interaction between students and teachers via PC.

Monitoring & Remote Client

Makes it easy for the server to see what all clients are doing, and can move the keyboard mouse from the server.

Kemudahan Konfigurasi IJOTECH Agc700N
Software IT Management Unlimited FREE
Bisa Dikoneksikan Ke OS Windows/Linux
USB port Mendukung Berbagai Perangkat Lain

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